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音标: 英 ['naɪtʃeɪd] 美 ['naɪtˌʃeɪd]

n. 茄属植物
[医] 茄属植物

n. any of numerous shrubs or herbs or vines of the genus Solanum; most are poisonous though many bear edible fruit


1. There's one in the nightshade, three more in the sewer.

夜影旅馆有一具 下水道里三具

2. The nightshade makes me strong, not weak.

颠茄应该使我更强壮 而不是更弱

3. And yet it is belladonna, the most deadly nightshade.

但其实这是颠茄 最致命的茄属植物

4. I'll use light and water. I'll make the nightshade here.

用光和水 我可以在这里种颠茄

5. Belladonna, it's also referred to as deadly nightshade.

颠茄 还被称为"致命夜影"

6. That bushwoman's nightshade hardened his skin, but he was special long before that.

那个巫女的颠茄坚固了他的皮肤 但他之前就已经是一个特殊的孩子了

7. Some old world practices, they use a flower called nightshade.

在一些旧大陆 他们会用一种叫颠茄的花

8. I hate to break it to you, but I think these two just ate their weight in nightshades.

我不想这样说 但我觉得这俩孩子 挺喜欢吃茄子的

9. Ground nightshade petals have no taste, but they have loads of scopolamine, which modulates the nigrostriatal pathways in the brain.

龙葵花瓣无味 但含有大量东莨菪碱 会阻碍黑质纹状系统和大脑之间的通路

10. Now, a merry little fairy, who loved a trick to play, has changed into a nightshade that flower without delay.

天上飞来小仙子 乐善好施心儿美 手中魔杖轻轻挥 樱草瞬间变龙葵



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