中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [rɪˈmɔ:sləs] 美 [rɪˈmɔrslɪs]

a. 无怜悯之心的, 冷酷的, 不知自责的

s without mercy or pity


1. They're saying he looks ug and remorseless.

他们说他看上去在沾沾自喜 毫无悔恨之意

2. Their opponent had been so remorseless, the fear it placed in them was absolute.

对手的无情残酷 将恐惧深深植入他们心中

3. From past conversations, we know he's a narcissist and seemingly remorseless.

通过之前的谈话 我们知道他很自恋 而且心狠手辣

4. The trouble is, the acid rain is slowly, remorselessly eroding the sandstone.

问题在于 酸雨正慢慢地 无情地侵蚀着砂岩

5. In my opinion, he's a remorseless coward who killed innocent and vulnerable men as they slept.

在我看来 他是个残忍的懦夫 在无辜 脆弱的人睡觉的时候杀死他们

6. I miss you getting me everything I ever wanted through fear, intimidation, and remorseless perseverance.

我想念你通过恐吓威胁 以及无情的坚持 来让我拥有我想要的一切

7. Consider the jaguar how it crouches in the tree, like a blameless shadow among the branches, but he is death and he is remorseless.

想象美洲豹 它们伏在树上 就像枝杈间的阴影 但它是残酷无情的死神

8. But we must tear them asunder and dash them in the face of our remorseless oppressors, who have nearly picked bare the bones of those who labour.

我们必须挣脱 并把它们扔到那些无情的压迫者的脸上 他们几乎把劳动者剔到骨头了

9. And as the butcher takes away the calf and binds the wretch, and beats it when it strains, bearing it to the bloody slaughterhouse, even so remorseless have they borne him hence.

屠夫带走了小牛 绑了起来 施以皮鞭 带它去了屠宰场 可他们却更加残忍



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