中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [si:k] 美 [sik]

vt. 寻求, 寻找, 探索, 追求, 搜索, 请求
vi. 寻找, 搜索
[计] 查找

n. the movement of a read/write head to a specific data track on a disk
v. try to get or reach
v. go to or towards
v. inquire for


1. This wasn't seeking a truth, he was seeking a conviction.

他没有寻求真相 他只寻求定罪

2. seeking out your family means seeking out sin.


3. The angel seeks the light, the beast seeks the dark.

天使寻找光明 野兽追寻黑暗

4. Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself you've built against it.

你的任务不是寻找爱情 而是寻找你内心里阻挡爱情的 重重障碍

5. Yet you gloss over the fact that those who seek to overthrow aren't any better than the masters they seek to expunge.

然而你掩盖了一个事实 就是那些谋求颠覆的人 比他们力图消灭的统治者好不到哪儿去

6. Where they seek the reverent and the wealthy, we seek the bold and disaffected, but we are willing to accept the fearful just the same.

他们寻找的是虔诚的信徒和富裕的人 而我们寻找的是英勇无谓的人 同时 我们也愿意接纳那些恐惧的人

7. Every agency and department should know that this administration stands on the side not of those who seek to withhold information, but those who seek to make it known.

每个机构和部门 都应该知道 政府和那些 让信息公之于众的人们是一边的 而非试图隐瞒信息的人那边

8. Now, we can avenge wrongs, seek revenge against our enemies, but history is pretty clear on one thing: that one day those enemies will return to seek revenge on us.

我们可以去雪耻 去找我们的敌人复仇 但历史有一点很明晰 就是那些敌人总有一天会回来 找我们复仇

9. If it does not improve seek me out immediately.

如果不起效 立刻来找我

10. Oh, then it's you who seeks a lover.

那就是你了 你在找伴儿



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

