中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈbʌstɪd] 美 [ˈbʌstɪd]

a. 破产了的, 失败了的, 被降级的, 被逮捕的
[法] 被逮捕的

v ruin completely
v search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on
v separate or cause to separate abruptly
v go to pieces
v break open or apart suddenly and forcefully
s out of working order (`busted' is an informal substitute for `broken')


1. It's busted. I agree. It's busted.

流言被终结了 我同意 终结了

2. I busted your chops, you busted mine.

我让你难堪了 你也让我难堪了

3. I thought one of the common threads that would be really cool is if they were either busted had a nearmiss where they almost got busted, or they themselves took themself out of cover and busted themselves for one reason or another.

我认为非常酷的共同话题之一 就是他们是否暴露过身份 或是有惊无险 又或者他们自己卸下伪装 因为这样那样的原因暴露自己的身份

4. It was all busted in, and there you were.

房子被翻得一团糟 而你就在那

5. You came here for a busted pipe and left with a busted head.

你来这修水管 走的时候头有可能被爆掉哦

6. Some head busts your headlight don't mean you get to bust his face.

小混混踹烂你的车灯 不代表你能一脚踹烂他的脸

7. After the big auction was a bust, we had to bust our butts to get everything back home.

大拍卖失败后 我们必须把累个半死把所有东西搬回家

8. I feel like we're trapped in this cycle where I bust on you, and then you turn around and get busted on by me.

我觉得我们被困在了我欺负你 你被我欺负的死循环中

9. Just 'cause you didn't bust us enough for breaking the rules, that doesn't mean you can break the rules busting us now.

不能因为我们坏了规矩而你却罚得轻了 就代表你可以坏了规矩这样罚我们

10. If she did, you'd already be busted.

假如她有 你早就被捕了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

