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音标: 英 [ˌlæpə'rɒtəmɪ] 美 [ˌlæpə'rɑ:təmɪ]

n. 剖腹手术
[医] 剖腹术

n. surgical incision into the abdominal wall; often done to examine abdominal organs


1. Do an exploratory laparotomy and find out what's in there.

做个剖腹探查 找出是什么在作怪

2. Your wife's upstairs and both the kids had laparotomies.

你妻子在楼上 两个孩子都做了开腹手术

3. Ultrasound's negative for fluid around the heart, so I would do a laparotomy.

超声波显示心脏周围没有积液 可以先做剖腹手术

4. Let's do an exploratory laparotomy to find and control the source of the hemorrhage.

做剖腹探查 找到并且控制出血的原因

5. So we're gonna do an exploratory laparotomy and we'll have an orthopod in to fix the fracture.

所以我们要进行剖腹探查术 并让矫形外科来修复骨折

6. Now, we need your consent for what's called an exploratory laparotomy.

所以我们需要你对 所谓剖腹探查的准许

7. I repaired the iliac and packed the abdomen, but he needs a formal laparotomy.

我修复了髂动脉 包扎了腹部 但他需要进行正式的剖腹探查

8. Gave two liters of saline, needs a thoracotomy and laparotomy.

已注射两升生理盐水 需要进行开胸手术和剖腹手术



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

