中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ə'gri:d] 美 [ə'gri:d]

a. 同意的;通过协议的

s. united by being of the same opinion


1. And you agreed to this? I didn't agree to anything.

你还同意了 我什么都没同意

2. So, you like this? I agree, I agree.

你喜欢吗 我也这么觉得

3. as if it were the 1970s again? I agree.I agree.

你会如何回应他们 我同意这种说法

4. Then as long as Israel agrees, we agree.

那只要以色列支持 我方也赞成

5. We don't agree on everything, but we can agree on that.

我们不是在所有问题上都意见一致 但是这件事上我们的意见是统一的

6. I agree, I agree, I don't buy it either.

我同意 我同意 我也不认同

7. I don't agree, and I am never ever going to agree.

我同意才怪 我死也不会同意

8. Before I agree to be part of it? I hope you will agree.

可我还没同意呢 我希望你同意

9. We've come tolet's agree to agree that we're friends.

我们达成一个共识 我们是朋友

10. I agree, and to be clear, the accusation frightens me because I agree.

我赞同 而且坦白说 指控令我害怕 因为我很赞同



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

