中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [vɪ'skɒsətɪ] 美 [vɪˈskɑsɪtɪ]

n. 粘稠, 粘性
[化] 内摩擦; 粘度

n. resistance of a liquid to shear forces (and hence to flow)


1. And then I had to catalog it by color, viscosity and percentage of blood.

然后我得把它们归类 按照颜色 黏度 以及血液百分比

2. It's nothing. It's due to the action of molecular viscosity called laminar flow.

这没什么 不过是由于 分子粘度变化而产生的层流

3. You knew because there is the slightest, almost imperceptible differences of tincture and viscosity between the two liquids.

你能分辨 是因为 这两种液体的色泽和黏度 有着几乎无法被察觉的区别

4. Going at 120 knots, factoring in the kinematic viscosity of seawater and the diameter of the plane's belly.

速度是120海里 考虑到海水的动粘滞率 还有机腹的直径

5. Though the odds of conception from preejaculate are narrow, as you know, I do have a heavy seminal load of high viscosity and opacity.

虽然预射 导致怀孕的概率非常低 但你知道 我的 量大 粘稠 浓度高

6. Uh, facial discoloration, pupil dilation and heavy blood viscosity are all classic traits of a death by poisoning.

脸色异样 瞳孔放大 血粘度高 都明显指向了 中毒而死



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