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音标: 英 ['fu:lhɑ:dɪnəs] 美 ['fu:lhɑ:dɪnəs]

n. 愚勇, 蛮勇, 有勇无谋

n the trait of giving little thought to danger


1. It was foolhardy of you to put yourself in danger.

你这样把自己置于危险之中 太鲁莽了

2. But there's a fine line between curiosity and foolhardiness.

然而好奇与鲁莽之间 仅一线之隔

3. Now you'll have to suffer the consequences for your foolhardiness.

现在 你必须要承受 愚勇所带来的恶果

4. But I don't think they'd be foolhardy enough to attack the police or their associates.

但我没想到他们居然真的蠢到 在警局里动手

5. 美国心理学家卡尔·兰塞姆·罗杰斯 that fetishizing cultural memories is both dangerous and foolhardy.

英国博物学家托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎 迷恋文化记忆 既危险又愚蠢

6. Ain't normally the type to complain, but this is just foolhardy.

不是我爱抱怨 但这真是鲁莽的行为

7. I will acquiesce and facilitate your wishes, regardless of the foolhardiness.

我勉强同意帮助你实现愿望 尽管这是有勇无谋的行为

8. When I'd made the bold but foolhardy statement that I would take care of all the survivors, and the families of those who didn't.

我当时做了一个胸大无脑的声明 说我会照顾所有的幸存者 以及遇难者的家属

9. And any, uh, plan that I had for my next attempt should be considered abandoned as foolhardy not to say, unworthy.

不管我下一步 打算干什么 都是我自己蠢 而且肯定也是徒劳

10. They look fairly harmless, but not many creatures are foolhardy enough to try and eat them.

它们看上去相当无害 但没多少动物会傻到去招惹它们



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