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音标: 英 [ˌʌnkəʊˈɒpərətɪv] 美 [ˌʌnkoʊˈɑ:pərətɪv]

a. 不合作的, 不配合的, 执拗的

a. unwilling to cooperate


1. The prisoner in question has been very uncooperative.


2. As predicted, the chieftain was cordial but uncooperative.

跟预想一样 酋长很热心但是不配合

3. She wouldn't give me the time of day, and it wasn't just that she was uncooperative.

但她不怎么配合 她不只是不愿意合作

4. I don't want to put you in the position where you appear to be uncooperative.

我不想让你看起来 不配合工作

5. You could say teenagers should be a bit more rebellious, a bit more uncooperative.

照理说青少年应该更叛逆一点 更特立独行一些

6. There's a child,a weapon,and an uncooperative subject in control of the premises.

里面有小孩 武器还有一个不合作的女人 必须清场

7. It's your right to say no, and if you do say no, it won't be considered suspicious or uncooperative.

你有权拒绝 如果你拒绝 不会被认为存在嫌疑或不愿合作

8. Subject uncooperative and evasive on reasons for last international trip.

对象很不合作 并且 对其上一次国际旅行含糊其辞

9. She's uncooperative, she speaks in rhyme and she's indifferent to the fact that she could die without treatment.

她不愿合作 说话带韵脚 即使不接受治疗可能会死 也一副无所谓的样子

10. You know the last time I used a blowtorch was to get intel from an uncooperative source.

上次我用喷枪 是从不识趣儿的人嘴里撬情报



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

