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音标: 英 [self] 美 [sɛlf]

n. 自己, 自我, 本性, 本质, 私心, 本人
vt. 使近亲繁殖, 使自花授精
vi. 自花授精
a. 同一的

n. your consciousness of your own identity
n. a person considered as a unique individual
a. (used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self


1. Not to the self you once were, to your new self.

不是曾经的你自己 而是新的你

2. Ted is like connecting to his future self through his present self to know where his future self will want to hide the keys because the future self already knows what the past self did, but the past self doesn't know what the future self did, but he knows the character.

泰德就像是在通过现在的自己 与未来的自己联系 来知道未来他会把钥匙藏在哪里 因为未来的他已经知道过去的他做了什么 但是过去的他不知道未来的他会做什么 但是他知道自己的性格

3. Sometimes your worst self is your best self.

有时候最坏的你 也是最好的你

4. You tell her you have a work self and a true self.

你跟她说 你有工作的一面 真我的一面

5. It proposes that we have an actual self and we have an ideal self.

理论认为我们都有一个现实自我 和一个理想自我

6. It doesn't cater to your lowest self, it reveals your deepest self.

它并不是要满足你最低俗的人性 而是要揭露你最深层的自我

7. The old self has to die in order for the new self to be reborn.

为了让"新我"得以重生 "旧我"死去

8. We talk a lot here about the false self versus the authentic self.

我们在这经常谈到 真假自我的对抗

9. On the other hand, my real self and my fake self are incredibly attracted to you.

另一方面来说 真实的我和伪装的我 都觉得你有致命吸引力

10. I need both of you to be my best self, and I need to be my best self in order to win.

我需要你们两人才能做最好的自己 我需要做最好的自己才能赢



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

