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音标: 英 [t'ʃu:zɪŋ] 美 [t'ʃu:zɪŋ]

v. 选择;决定(choose的ing形式)

v pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
v select as an alternative over another
v see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way


1. I had to choose a path or fate would choose for me.

我要选择一条路 否则命运会替我选择

2. By woman of your choosing, I meant of our choosing.

你选择的意思 就是我们的选择

3. And when it's time to choose our pain, we're choosing you.

等轮到我们选择痛苦的时候 我们会选你

4. No, you have to choose one. I choose abstinence.

不 你必须选一个 我选择禁欲

5. I'd normally choose, but I haven't been doing a lot of choosing recently.

我平常会选择交往的那种人 其实最近也没什么人让我选啦

6. Why would you choose a religion that would never choose you to begin with.

你为什么选择一个 最初也绝不会选择你的宗教

7. You can't just choose her yesterday and then choose me today.

你不能昨天选她 今天选我

8. I didn't choose to do this. I did it because I had to.

我并不想这样 但是我必须这么做

9. And not just any courtroom, but a courtroom of my choosing, with the judge of my choosing.

而且不是随便哪间庭审室 是我选的庭审室 里面有我选好的法官

10. If I have to choose between it...and you.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

