中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 克拉克(男子名)

n. United States explorer who (with Meriwether Lewis) led an expedition from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River; Clark was responsible for making maps of the area (1770-1838)
n. United States general who was Allied commander in Africa and Italy in World War II and was commander of the United Nations forces in Korea (1896-1984)
n. United States psychologist (born in Panama) whose research persuaded the Supreme Court that segregated schools were discriminatory (1914-2005)


1. clark, that's what marriage is all about.

克拉克 那才是婚姻的意义

2. clarke, we have to think this through.

克拉克 我们得想周全了

3. clark, we're in the middle of a meeting.

克拉克 我们还在开会呢

4. clark brought me there when I was 12.


5. clark had this sent here, so he could surprise you.

克拉克之前把這個寄了過來 想給你個驚喜

6. clarke, I think we should get out of here.

克拉克 我觉得我们该离开这里

7. clark knew how to do it. I'll get this to him.

克拉克知道怎么做 我去拿给他

8. clarke, we're running out of time here.

克拉克 我们快没时间了

9. clarke, you're not going to war over me.

克拉克 你不能因我发动战争

10. clark and I already called for backup.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

