中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['æflʊəns] 美 [ˈæfluəns, əˈflu-]

n. 富裕, 丰富, 流注
[医] 丰富, 流入

n. abundant wealth


1. So not affluence, but aspiration to affluence.

那说明没有钱 但想有钱

2. The affluence in age with these couples doesn't fit any pattern we can find.

这些夫妇的年龄和财富 都不符合以往发现的任何作案模式

3. Tony's service makes him friends with those men of affluence you mentioned.

托尼所提供的服务使其与 你提到的那些有钱人成为了朋友

4. The affluence was all around them, but they were expected to work for it, and the work was to become tennis stars.

他们生活一直很富裕 但父母希望他们能为此效力 也就是成为网球明星

5. Ironically, the bad news of the 14th century mothballed these towns, leaving them with a unique charm and a touristbased affluence today.

讽刺的是 这些十四世纪的黑暗历史封存了这些小镇 却使它们独具魅力 吸引着人们前来旅游

6. Well, there was a lot of sceptici at that stage because we had learnt as paediatricians at that time that low birth weight is associated with poverty and malnutrition, whereas diabetes and hypertension are diseases of affluence, diseases of lifestyle.

在那个阶段怀疑颇多 因为我们那时的儿科医生一直学的是 出生体重轻与贫穷 和营养不良有关 而糖尿病和高血压是富贵病 生活方式所致的疾病



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

