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音标: 英 [ˌentə'teɪn] 美 [ˌɛntɚˈten]

vt. 娱乐, 招待, 怀抱
vi. 款待

v. provide entertainment for
v. take into consideration, have in view


1. You tell me entertain him, I entertain.

你让我去取悦他 我去了

2. You're funnier than the entertainment they have in this prison, which is no entertainment at all.

你比这监狱提供的娱乐还好笑 这里根本没有娱乐

3. He loved parties, he loved to be entertaining, he was entertaining.

他热爱聚会 他喜欢逗人开心 他也确实很风趣

4. It's not just the future of entertainment, it's the present of entertainment.

这不仅是娱乐的未来 还是娱乐的当下

5. André did sports entertainment before there was sports entertainment.

早在体育娱乐诞生之前 安德雷所做的就是体育娱乐

6. Food, view, entertainment, private kind of entertainment.

食物 景色 娱乐 私人的那种娱乐

7. Well, if it's entertainment these gremlins want, it's entertainment they shall have.

如果这些小妖精喜欢娱乐 那就让他们娱乐一下吧

8. You need to be entertained and killing us quickly wouldn't be entertainment.

你需要有人逗你开心 太早杀死我们就没意思了

9. People found it entertaining, and when you are a stranger in a strange land, it helps to be entertaining.

大家觉得这样叫很有趣 你初来乍到个陌生的地方 幽默点不是坏事

10. You're not offending him, you're entertaining him.

他没被你气到 被你逗乐了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

