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音标: 英 ['taɪdɪŋ]

vt. 顺应潮水航行(tide的现在分词形式); 随潮漂移;潮汐涨落

v rise or move forward
v cause to float with the tide
v be carried with the tide


1. There's only one tide a day, and when the tide gets low, it becomes an island.

一天只涨潮一次 潮水变低时 礁石就会变成一个岛

2. Were our tears wanting to this funeral, these tidings would call forth their flowing tides.

即使这葬礼没有让我们落泪 听到这些噩耗还是会泪如雨下

3. The tide's coming in now so you've got a short window period on the low tide where we can actually get and collect mussels.

现在正在涨潮 退潮时我们有一小段时间 这时我们可以捕捉贻贝

4. And because of her, the tide has turned.

而正是因为她 局势转变了

5. That tide's been turning for a while.


6. You're hitting the tide pools, and then that's it.

你要去潮汐池 不去别的地方

7. She needs a loaner to tide her over.


8. You could affect the tides if you wanted to.

如果你愿意的话 潮汐都任你调遣

9. I told you the tide was coming in. It is coming in.

我告诉过你在涨潮 确实在涨潮

10. I don't have to tell you that the political tide is not in our favor here.

你自己也清楚 现在的 走向并不支持我们的观点



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

