中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈleɪdn] 美 [ˈledn:]

a. 装满的, 负载的, 苦恼的

s. filled with a great quantity
s. burdened psychologically or mentally


1. On the other, in the rain, heavily laden and still.

另一侧 雨打竹枝 饱受摧残却依然坚韧挺拔

2. That'd be a cry laden with pain and sorrow.

那是一声 充满了痛苦与悲伤的嚎叫

3. I could repeat what she said, but it was rather laden with expletives.

我可以重复她的话 但全是骂你的话

4. And a boy laden with shopping is an errand boy not a hero.

一個帶滿貨物的男孩只是個跑腿的 而不是個英雄

5. Many a merchant ship laden with treasure has fallen prey to her.


6. The celebration, shall be later this year, when I shall return, laden with gifts.

婚礼庆典 会在今年举行 晚一点我会满载礼物回来

7. The treads in your boots are laden with sand and bits of ooth cordgrass that are still moist.

你脚下沾满了沙子 还有一些尚且潮湿的互花米草

8. I am a man of steel laden with sins, but I also possess unimaginable powers of persuasion.

我心如钢铁 恶行累累 但我也拥有 你们无法想象的说服话术

9. We get to know people by taking a few all clues that we have about them and processing it all through a neural filter laden with our own personal biases.

我们通过 仅有的一丝线索来了解他人 而处理这些线索的神经滤波 却满载着我们自身的偏见

10. Even if it doesn't seem like a perfect fit, even if the path is laden with obstacles, frustrations, we need to work to understand each other.

即使看起来不般配 即使路上布满障碍和挫折 我们需要努力理解彼此



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

