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音标: 英 [ˈsnɪfəlɪŋ]

v. 抽鼻子( sniffle的现在分词 ); 抽噎

v cry or whine with snuffling
v inhale audibly through the nose


1. When I poured your coffee, I was sniffling.

我给你倒咖啡的时候 我在抽噎

2. He looks at his bully, all sniffling and crying.

他看着他的恶霸 看他哭哭啼啼的

3. Listen, I'm sniffling, and I'm not really awake.

听着 我现在鼻子不通 头昏脑涨

4. She and a few other moms went in the bathroom here, and when they came out, they had the... the sniffles.

她和别的妈妈进了这里的卫生间 她们出来时在吸鼻子

5. But not cute sniffles fullon snot sobs.

不是梨花带雨娇美状 而是一把鼻涕一把泪

6. One little sniffle, and oh, you think you are die.

打个小喷嚏 就以为人家要病死了啦

7. We're just looking to see if it cures his sniffles to start.


8. A sniffle can really take out a family like ours.


9. When you're 78, it takes about 2 days to go from sniffles to being eaten by your cat.

一旦当你78岁 只需两天时间 就能从感冒流鼻涕 变到死在家喂猫

10. Britney had the sniffles, so they took her for more observation, but her mom's boyfriend the bus driver, yeah says she's got hay fever.

布兰妮流鼻涕了 被带去进一步观察 但是她母亲的男友 那个巴士司机 说她是花粉过敏



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

