中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['dəʊɪ] 美 [ˈdoɪ]

a. 面团的, 半熟的, 苍白的
[医] 柔软的, 生面团似的, 迟钝的

s. having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking; it's a doughy mess"


1. And you can knead your own doughy dick from now on.

从现在起你可以自己搓你那根软 了

2. doughy 40something man is supposed to end up dead.

这个40多岁的男人 应该被人干掉

3. In the end, it really is just doughy potato balls.

到最后 真的就只是软趴趴的土豆丸子

4. I handled the whole thing with the dexterity of a doughy twoyearold.

整个事情我处理得 就像个两岁的小娃娃

5. I figured out why the center of my pizza is always doughy and uncooked.


6. So, a doughy 40something man gets abducted by a trio of experienced killers.

一个手无缚鸡之力的四十岁中年男人 被三个经验丰富的杀手绑架

7. Oh, they're just the most delicious, plump, doughy bread puffs you've ever tasted.

就是世界上最美味的 圆滚滚的泡芙面包

8. So reabsorb that disgusting droplet of salt and bad choices back into your doughy body.

把你那恶了吧心的小咸菜汤子 和你那憋了吧屈的演技收回面炮体格儿里去

9. He just sits there, hitting the track pad with his doughy paw like one of the monkeys from 2001.

他就坐在那 笨拙地點擊觸摸板 就像從上世紀穿越來的猴子一樣

10. Police have reason to believe that the mystery man who ate from that doughy dish is the very killer who sent her to her grainbased grave.

警察有理由相信 吃了那道黏稠浓汤的神秘男子 正是将她送进谷物坟墓的杀手



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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