中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 吉尔(人名)


1. gil, you... you know I didn't do this.

吉尔 你知道不是我做的

2. gil, this is a world I knew nothing about.

吉尔 我对这个世界毫不了解

3. gil bought it for her, and he pays her rent.

吉尔买给她的 还帮她付租金

4. gil, you deserve a medal, a key to the city.

吉尔 真应该给你发块奖牌 你是城市英雄

5. gil wanted me to look through them, see if I saw anything...relevant.

吉尔想让我翻看一下 看看能不能找到相关的信息

6. The firemen swore that gil was coming out onto the street just as they were pulling up.

消防员发誓他们在停车的时候 看到吉尔刚从大楼出来

7. gil was a real character, big motor mouth, very good soldier.

吉尔是个性情中人 话匣子 也是个很好的士兵

8. gil said I must be the first civil servant to ever ask for a demotion.

吉尔说我肯定是第一个 要求降职的公职人员

9. gil proves that performancebased dysfunction is so rooted in our psyche that not even the most primitive of us, under certain stresses, are immune to its effects, but more importantly, that these dysfunctions can be repaired by us.

吉尔证明了机能型性功能障碍 在我们的心中深深植根 即使是最原始时期的我们 在某种压力下 也无法不受其影响 但更重要的是 我们可以治愈这种性功能障碍



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

