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音标: 英 ['θʌmneɪl] 美 [ˈθʌmˌnel]

n. 大拇指指甲, 极小之物
a. 极小的, 极短的

n. the nail of the thumb


1. The websites full of salacious little thumbnails.

那些充斥著 信息縮圖的網站

2. Originally, when I started 2006, it was all about the title and the thumbnail and that was it.

我2006年开始用油管 当时的功夫都在标题和缩略图 仅此而已

3. The entire idea of views is based on what your title and what your thumbnail.

播放量取决于 你视频的标题和预览图

4. Not even the janitor guy with the gross, black thumbnail.


5. There were too many photos to print, so I zipped thumbnails and put them on a drive.

要打印的照片太多了 所以我打包了缩略图 放进硬盘里

6. A sort of thumbnail size, and I'm going to mix that with a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.

像拇指甲这么多即可 然后加几勺蛋黄酱 搅拌均匀

7. Fathers are no bigger than a human thumbnail, but this enables them to get to places that others can't.

父亲的大小还不如人类拇指的指甲盖大 但这让它们能去到别人去不了的地方

8. So you could trick people into clicking on something with a lie in the thumbnail, a lie in the title, and that's still true now, but it doesn't work as well, because after that, they said it was more about how long people watched a video for.

你可以利用欺骗性的缩略图或标题 骗取大家的点击 现在也是这样 不过这种做法不再有效 因为点击之后 据说更重要的是 人们观看视频的时长



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

