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音标: 英 [li:tʃ] 美 [li:tʃ]

vt. 过滤, 萃取
vi. 滤掉
n. 过滤, 过滤器, 沥出物

n. the process of leaching
v. cause (a liquid) to leach or percolate
v. permeate or penetrate gradually


1. And leach off the air at the other end so it doesn't blow.

在另一个末端过滤空气 不然会爆炸

2. He's been leached of almost all energy on a cellular level.


3. And thatthat leaches toxins straight into your brain.


4. Human urine's by far the best for leaching the ash.


5. I've managed to get a rough fix on the source of the dimensional leaching.

我大概定位了一下 导致维度减缩的源头

6. I'm not going to let you raise this baby here, where everything special about him will be leached away.

我不会让你在这里把孩子养大 因为他身上的特殊之处会被埋没的

7. Typical treatment for stuffiness of the nose region is we will have put leaches all over your , up and down, all over it, and your testicles, too.

治疗鼻塞的基本疗法就是 在你的 上涂满滤液 由上至下 全部涂上 还有你的

8. I have a theory that the introduction of several barrels of saltpetre can cut the leaching stage down to four weeks.

我有个理论 一开始就 放入几桶硝石 就可以把萃取阶段缩减到四周

9. Well, I have a theory that the introduction of several barrels of saltpetre that have already been refined at the start of the process can cut the leaching stage down to four weeks.

我有个理论 一开始就放入 几桶精炼硝石 就可以把萃取阶段缩减到四周



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

