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音标: 英 [ˌdi:ˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn] 美 [ˌdiːˌfɒːrɪˈsteɪʃn]

n. 采伐森林, 森林开伐
[法] 砍伐森森

n. the state of being clear of trees
n. the removal of trees


1. If we continue this level of deforestation, we'll take it all.

如果我们持续滥伐林木 森林将完全消失

2. Which is why this is said to be the largest hidden deforestation happening anywhere in the world.

最大的隐匿伐木就是这么来的 这种事正在全世界发生着

3. You know, planting trees, cleaning the ocean, fighting deforestation.

种树啦 净化海洋啦 杜绝滥砍滥伐啦

4. What we're doing, accidentally and inadvertently, is actually causing deforestation in other countries because of our demand for this product.

我们的所作所为 在不经意间 导致了其他国家的森林砍伐 只为满足我们对这种产品的需求

5. We'll address rising sea levels, combat deforestation and protect the world's pollinators.

我们会解决海平面上升 防止乱砍滥伐 保护传粉昆虫

6. As we deforest these viruses' homes, wipe out their reservoir hosts, they need a new one to spill over into.

当我们砍伐这些病毒的家园 消灭他们储存宿主 它们需要一个新的宿主

7. Simply using another type of oil might take up more land, leading to more deforestation.

若使用另一种植物油 可能会占用更多土地 导致更多森林被砍伐

8. Trees are now being cut down and burnt at such a rate, that nearly a third of our carbon dioxide emissions are caused by deforestation.

砍伐与焚烧树木的速度已如此之快 导致接近三分之一的二氧化碳排放 来源于森林砍伐



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