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音标: 英 ['kækl] 美 [ˈkækəl]

n. 咯咯声, 高笑声, 饶舌, 闲谈
vi. 咯咯地叫, 咯咯地笑, 喋喋不休

n. the sound made by a hen after laying an egg
n. a loud laugh suggestive of a hen's cackle
v. talk or utter in a cackling manner


1. Have you heard her laugh? It's more of a cackle.

你听过她的笑声吗 很刺耳

2. A ghostly moan, a rattling of chains, a witch's cackle.

阴森的呜咽 铁链的响声 女巫的奸笑

3. I saw it turn someone into a maniacal, cackling, violent animal.

我亲眼看见它把人变成疯狂的 大笑不止的狂暴野兽

4. The kind of condescending cackle only reserved for rich folks who know they're better than you.

只有那种自知比你有钱的土豪才会用的 自视甚高的笑声

5. I ruined our tradition, and I probably cost you a lot of money with those cackling, freakish clowns.

我毁了我们的传统 因为那些咯咯笑的畸形小丑 可能让你损失了一大笔钱

6. And I don't wanna be inflammatory, but next to a condor, an eagle looks like a... common cackling.

我不是要夸大其词 但跟兀鹰比起来 老鹰看起来 就像只小鸟了

7. I don't want people, like, cackling laughing; but I want people, like, looking, kind of iling, with, like, that tinge of sadness, and a drizzle of, like, uplifting, but then, at the same time, like, everybody's ing.

也不希望他们咯咯笑 但我希望他们 认真看着 带着点微笑 又带着一丝丝悲伤 还有一点振奋人心的感觉 但同时 大家又都得很失落



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

