中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [kri:m] 美 [krim]

n. 乳酪, 奶油, 面霜
[医] 乳油, 乳皮; 乳膏, 霜

n. the best people or things in a group
n. the part of milk containing the butterfat
n. toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin
v. make creamy by beating


1. A hand cream that's also a foot cream that's also an eye cream.


2. One cream is just a normal cream that doesn't do anything, and the other cream may or may not contain an anaesthetic.

一种乳液很平常 没有任何效果 另一种乳液有可能含有麻醉剂

3. My routine in the morning is eye cream for lifting the eyelids up, cos they get a bit saggy when you get older, wrinkle cream, then ageing cream, then a base cream, and then a moisturiser, so it is quite a long thing to do.

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4. No cream is finer than mall kiosk cream.


5. There's no ice cream today, I told you before. Ice cream.

我都说了 今天取消冰淇淋日了 冰淇淋

6. Into your whisked cream, add natural yoghurt and cream cheese.

在已打发的奶油里 加入天然纯酸奶和奶油奶酪

7. whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips.

没有被鞭子抽"打"过的奶油 根本就不能被称为"打"发奶油

8. Heavy cream, sugar, chocolate syrup no, ice cream's good for you.

鲜奶油 糖 巧克力酱 没事 冰激凌对身体无害

9. Bring out my mascarpone cream, mascarpone cheese, to which I'm going to add some cream to that.

拿出马斯卡朋奶酪 加一点奶油进去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

