中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [sɔ:t] 美 [sɔrt]

n. 种类, 方式, 品质, 态度, 举止
vt. 分类, 排序, 挑选
vi. 交往, 协调
[计] 排序; DOS外部命令:从标准输入设备接收数据, 整个数据输入完后
对它以行为单位进行排序, 然后在标准输出设备上输出

n. an approximate definition or example
n. a person of a particular character or nature
n. an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion


1. So you sorted it out with him? It's sorted.

你跟他把事情说清楚了 说清楚了

2. sorting through this mess before it can't be sorted out.

跟华府取得联系 协调解决方案

3. I mean, they're sort of together, sort of not.

他们好像在一起 又好像不在

4. Oh, and sort it you did my boy, and sort it you did.

的确解决了 孩子 解决了

5. I'd forgotten it's sort of... sort of calming.


6. See, that's the sort of leadership I was sort of talking about.


7. As it's become increasingly sort of boring and increasingly sort of arduous, it's harder to cope and he's finding there's no other means that he can access to sort of help him cope.

整个情况变得越来越无聊和难以忍受 越来越难应对 他已经意识到没有外界因素 能帮助他克服目前的处境

8. You'll sort out whatever it is you have to sort out, we'll get back to being us.

你把该解决的事解决完了 我们还和以前一样

9. They must have some sort of counting mechani , some sort of clock.

它们一定有某种计算机制 某种计时器

10. He probably got all sorts of women doing all sorts of shit.

他也许让各种女人 替他做各种破事儿



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

