中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈlɪvɪd] 美 [ˈlɪvɪd]

a. 铁青的
[医] 青紫的

s. (of a light) imparting a deathlike luminosity
s. furiously angry


1. I was livid, I was boiling over with rage.

我当时非常愤怒 怒火中烧

2. I'd be livid with the students for the way that they've behaved.

学生们这样的表现 我会很生气的

3. That slight discoloration in her earlobe, that's lividity.

她耳垂上的小污点 是尸斑

4. lividity had set in and there was no blood spatter.

尸体已有尸斑 室内没有血迹飞溅的痕迹

5. lividity indicates he was placed in upright position after death.

瘀伤表明死亡后 他被人为放置成了直立状态

6. Your mothers have failed as mothers, and they are gonna be livid when I call them.

你们的妈妈太失败了 我打电话过去 她们会非常生气的

7. As livid as my dad was, it didn't come close to the rage in my heart.

我爸很生气 但还比不上我内心的愤怒

8. Oh, the purplishred color suggests there was lividity in her ankles.

组织呈紫红色 表明她脚踝有淤青

9. Well, based on lividity, it was clear he was moved afterwards.

从石斑来看 显然是死后被搬上去的

10. Partial lividity, so dead 10, 15 hours.

部分尸斑 所以应该死了10到15小时



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

