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音标: 英 [ˈækrɪmənɪ] 美 [ˈækrəˌmonɪ]

n. 严厉, 尖刻
[医] 辛辣

n a rough and bitter manner


1. His return to the city has brought nothing but acrimony to its inhabitants.

他的归来 只给居民带来了辛辣

2. So it just goes to show that divorce doesn't have to end in acrimony.

这样能显示出离婚 不一定要以两边闹翻结束

3. Your legacy will be tossed into the ashes, your name blackened by acrimony and cowardice.

你的衣钵将会化为灰烬 你的名字会被唾弃 冠上懦夫之称

4. I, too, have grown weary of the acrimony that plagues what will surely be our last weeks.

我也受够了在我们生命的最后几周 还要有这么多讽刺和矛盾

5. It's an old family ranch, broken up 20 years ago in what I understand was bitter acrimony.

家里的老农场 二十年前 他俩大吵了一架 农场荒废了

6. The relationship has since broken down publicly and acrimoniously and we, as a local authority, have real concerns about which of the parties, if either, can serve the best interests of the child.

他们与代孕者的关系后来公开破裂并非常紧张 而我们作为地方当局非常关心 他们之中的哪一方 对这个孩子最有利

7. What began as an investigation into a violent conspiracy against the heart of our government has become a source of such acrimony and division that I've decided, in the interest of this country, it is time to put it behind us.

最初本是在调查 针对政府核心的 一场暴力阴谋 现在却引发如此大规模的讥讽和 我因此决定 为了国家利益 是时候放下了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

