中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [fjuˈnɪərɪəl] 美 [fjʊˈnɪrɪəl]

a. 送葬的, 适合葬礼的, 悲哀的

s. suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial


1. You're gonna be at the funeral. I'm gonna be at the funeral.

你会出席葬礼 我也会出席葬礼

2. Your funeral may just be your funeral.


3. We are going to a funeral, we're standing in a cemetery, you just came from another funeral, and there was a third funeral today.

我们要去参加葬礼 我们现在站在墓地中 你刚参加完另一场葬礼 今天还有第三场葬礼

4. What happens in the funeral home stays in the funeral home.


5. The only difference between one of those fundraising events and a funeral is at a funeral, the corpses don't walk around.

筹款晚会与葬礼的唯一区别是 葬礼上 尸体不会到处乱走

6. His niece telephoned here this morning asking to speak with him, and when I told her that he had been released to go to his brother's funeral, she said he wasn't at the funeral.

他的侄女早上打电话过来要找他 我和她说他已经出院 参加他哥哥的葬礼了 她说他并没在葬礼上出现

7. If grief sex was a thing, every funeral would be a gangbang, and I've been to a lot of funerals lately, and let me tell you, that's simply not the case.

如果真有悲伤 这回事 那葬礼不都成群P派对了吗 我最近参加了不少葬礼 我告诉你 根本不是那么回事

8. I once did it with a clown at a funeral.


9. My funeral, so it's all about me, but I'm not selfish.

我的葬礼 所以我是主角 但我并不自私

10. Okay, that's it, we're having a funeral.

好的 可以了 我们要举办葬礼



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

