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音标: 英 [kən'dʒɒɪnd] 美 [kən'dʒɒɪnd]

a. 结合的;联合的

s. consisting of two or more associated entities


1. Because I am on a date with conjoined twins.


2. I emailed you a case: conjoined twins.

我给你们发了一个病例 是连体双胞胎

3. The ground was green when first we ambled conjoined.

我们第一次灵肉交合的时候 是那么从容愉悦

4. Live in my head and attach herself like a conjoined twin.

她想像个连体婴一样 和我黏在一起

5. Compromise is the shared hypotenuse of the conjoined s of success.

妥协是这两个成功三角 共有的斜边

6. They got conjoined when they were together, but now they are super apart.

他们谈恋爱的时候被缝合了 但现在他们已经分手了

7. I have found that anger inevitably seems to be conjoined with emotional investment.

我发现人们生气总是由于 投入了情感

8. The remaining body of a conjoined twin can only survive a few days if the other one dies.

如果连体双胞胎其中一位死亡 另外一位只会继续存活几天

9. You both are my most promising fellows, but now I am no longer certain that either of you should be my second for the conjoined twins surgery.

你们都是我严重最有前途的同事 但现在我不太确定你们两个 够不够格当我连体双胞胎手术的副手了

10. The secret grip was demonstrated by two hands conjoined and the thumb tapping the other hand three times.

握手的秘语是两手相握 轮流用大拇指轻敲另一人的手三次



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

