中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ɡæŋɡlɪ] 美 ['ɡæŋɡlɪ]

a. 身材瘦长的

s tall and thin and having long slender limbs
s tall and thin


1. Gang or no gang, these murders aren't just about fear.

无论是不是帮派作案 这些凶杀案不仅是关于恐惧的

2. If we're talking about turf, we're a gang, you're a gang, we're all gangbangers.

如果我们讨论地盘 那我们就是黑帮 你是黑帮 我们都是黑帮混混

3. This just went from a gang hit to a gang war.


4. Gang task force is checking it out against asian gang signs.


5. I thought we might need a gang, not really had a gang before, it's new.

我就是觉得需要个小队 以前还真没玩过组队玩法 新鲜

6. Usually I would've figured it was for another gang, but this is the opposite of gang territory.

通常我会认为这是另一个帮派干的 但这绝不是黑帮的地方

7. And gangs have gang leaders and the murders could lead back to one of them, and by them, I mean him.

黑帮就有头目 谋杀案可能会追踪到某个黑帮 要说老大 很可能是他

8. It's sort of like when you're part of a gang feuding with a rival gang, you know.

这有点类似你在的帮派 和敌对帮派结仇

9. Apparently his gang was worried that he was gonna snitch on a rival gang, which would've started a war.

显然他的帮派 担心他会向敌对帮派告密 那会挑起一场战争

10. We are a group of likeminded individuals that does not want to see this prison overrun by gangs and gang violence.

我们是一群志同道合的人 不希望看到帮派和帮派暴力 在这所监狱里泛滥成灾



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

