中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [send] 美 [sɛnd]

vt. 发送, 使进入, 寄, 派遣, 发射, 使陷于
vi. 寄信, 派人, 播送
n. (船的)上升运动
[计] 发送

v. cause to go somewhere
v. to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place
v. transfer


1. It's not what you send. It's who you send it to.

寄什么不重要 关键是往哪寄

2. We're sending them files, but we're not sending them our files.

我们要给他们文件 但不是我们的文件

3. Anyways, I'm not sure when I'm sending this to you, if I send this to you.

总之 即使要把这个录音带寄给你 我也不确定何时才会寄出去

4. What, are they sending you somewhere? I'm sending me somewhere.

怎么 他们要把你送走吗 我要把我自己送走

5. They'll send someone out if they want to send someone out.


6. Yeah, so, out of all the cards to send, he sends this one.

在所有可以寄的卡片中 他挑了这一张

7. I didn't send that email, and I didn't send this one either.

我没发过那封邮件 这封也不是我发的

8. send her a letter, a thank you for the gifts that she sends.

给她写封信 谢谢她送的礼物

9. Gotta send an edit and then I send an email.

我得发一份校订稿 然后再发邮件

10. You send me out my two hostages, I'll send these guys in.

你放两个人质出来 我就让他俩进去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

