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音标: 英 [pɪg] 美 [pɪɡ]

n. 猪, 猪肉, 贪婪的人, 猪一样的人
v. 生小猪, 象猪般地生活

n. a crude block of metal (lead or iron) poured from a smelting furnace
v. live like a pig, in squalor


1. Guinea pigs should not be guinea pigs.


2. Somebody I was friends with then collected pigs and you had the biggest pig I'd ever seen outside a real pig.

你是我一个爱收藏猪的老朋友 你那里的那只假猪 是我见过最大的

3. Sam keeps the pigs for us for considerably longer than he would if they were, say, pork pigs or bacon pigs.

萨姆给我们供了多年猪肉 他供鲜肉 也供烟肉

4. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already, it was impossible to say, which was which.

外面的生物看上去从猪变成了人 又从人变成猪 然后再一次从猪变 到最后已经无法分辨哪个是人哪个是猪了

5. And, little pig, little pig, you are going to let me come in.

小猪 小猪 你会让我进去的

6. And then the pig is in the car no, the pig is in the road, andI'll be right back.

然后猪在车子上 不对 猪在路上 然后... 我马上回来

7. I made an enormous deal about a pig roast, so we are roasting a pig.

我好不容易争取到可以烤猪 我们一定要烤猪

8. You can put lipstick on a pig, man. It's still a pig.

就算给猪涂上口红 也还是猪

9. We did well with the pigs in the other fat stock shows, so let me discuss it with our pig man.

以往的肉畜展我们的猪表现都不错 让我和我们的猪倌讨论一下吧

10. Apparently, guinea pigs need other guinea pigs or they can die of loneliness.

显然 豚鼠需要其它豚鼠陪伴 不然它们会孤独致死



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

