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音标: 英 [ɪˌlu:mɪ'nɑ:tɪ] 美 [ɪˌluməˈnɑtɪ]

n. 先觉者

v. t. Literally, those who are enlightened
v. t. Persons in the early church who had received
baptism; in which ceremony a lighted taper was given them, as a symbol
of the spiritual illumination they has received by that sacrament.
v. t. Members of a sect which sprung up in Spain about the
year 1575. Their principal doctrine was, that, by means of prayer, they
had attained to so perfect a state as to have no need of ordinances,
sacraments, good works, etc.; -- called also Alumbrados,
Perfectibilists, etc.
v. t. Members of certain associations in Modern Europe,
who combined to promote social reforms, by which they expected to raise
men and society to perfection, esp. of one originated in 1776 by Adam
Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt, which spread rapidly
for a time, but ceased after a few years.
v. t. An obscure sect of French Familists;
v. t. The Hesychasts, Mystics, and Quietists;
v. t. The Rosicrucians.
v. t. Any persons who profess special spiritual or
intellectual enlightenment.


1. I've done countless talk shows about the illuminati, and I've had several people call my radio show, claiming that they're part of the illuminati, or they've had some experience with the illuminati, and I always shake my head and say, well didn't you know the illuminati di anded like several hundred years ago.

我做过无数次关于光明会的谈话节目 很多人都打电话给我的电台节目 声称 他们是光明会的一员 或者他们曾见过光明会 而我总是摇摇头告诉他们 难道你们不知道吗 光明会几百年前就解散了

2. But the people behind the government, the illuminati.

而是隐藏在政府背后的人 光照派

3. Alex, you should not joke about the illuminati, first of all.

亚力克斯 首先 可别拿光照派开玩笑

4. Apparently, illuminati headquarters is under the airport.

显然 光明会总部 就在那个机场下面

5. You know, I don't trust those illuminati mother ers.


6. Like the illuminati, but less butt stuff.

就像光明会 不过没那么多屁事

7. I see how the illuminati fail in their practical work.


8. In 1784, the illuminati began to fall apart.

在1784年 光照会开始分崩离析

9. The illuminati cannot mention membership at all, that's a secret society.

而光明会则连身份也不得透露 这就是所谓的秘会

10. I know an illuminati sex party when I see one.

我知道光明会 派对是什么样子



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

