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音标: 英 ['brɔ:dsaɪd] 美 [ˈbrɔdˌsaɪd]

n. 猛烈的攻击/谴责, 连珠炮似的攻讦/谴责, 舷侧
adv. 无目标地, 胡乱地

n. all of the armament that is fired from one side of a warship
n. the whole side of a vessel from stem to stern
n. the simultaneous firing of all the armament on one side of a warship


1. He was broadsided in a car accident.


2. You couldn't hit the broadside of a space freighter.


3. Unless you'd like to approach into the teeth of his broadsides.


4. The guy whose truck you broadsided is more likely to sue you.

你侧撞的那辆卡车司机 更可能告你呢

5. I can't maneuver our broadside around fast enough to be of any effect.

我已无法组织起舷侧 快速有效的射击

6. Your wife suffered multiple injuries when she was broadsided and she's stable.

你妻子在被撞击时 受到了多处损伤 现在已经稳定

7. All mounts, local control, stand by broadside to port.

所有火炮本炮控制 准备朝左舷开火

8. With a little luck, we'll hammer her into submission before she can bring her broadsides to bear.

幸运的话 我们能在它舷侧开炮之前 就逼它投降

9. The star was apparently testdriving a new motorcycle when he was broadsided by a pickup truck.

这位明星在试驾新摩托车时 被一辆卡车从侧面撞飞

10. Once he can bring his broadsides to bear in concert with the fort's power, it'll be hard to keep his men off the sand.

等到它舷侧开炮 再加上堡垒的火力 想阻止他们上岸就很困难了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

