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音标: 英 ['fleɪkɪnəs] 美 ['fleɪkɪnəs]

n. 成薄片, 片状

n. having or breaking into thin crisp flakes


1. Of course it wouldn't, it would go with a flaky baguette.

当然不行 杏仁酱就该配 法式长棍切片

2. I don't know if I'd call it flaky to pursue a calling.


3. And you have never tasted a crust so buttery and flaky.

你们之前肯定从未尝过如此油滑 层次分明的外皮

4. If it's flaky, crusty, or scabby, I want to get at it.

薄的 有壳的 脏的 我就想抓

5. This will ensure that your pastry is not overworked and it's beautiful and flaky.

这会使面团不会太死 而成酥松的片状

6. It's another way of incorporating butter into a dough to make it flaky.

原理和普通千层酥一样 都是让夹在面团里的黄油变凉

7. And, uh, I know I've been kinda flaky lately, but I'm all in now. I promise.

我知道我最近状态有点不稳定 但我现在要全力以赴了 我保证

8. The thing is, if you really like him, you have to make it clear that you're young, fun, and flaky.

重点是 如果真的喜欢他 你必须清楚表明 你是年轻有趣另类的

9. I'm sure that sounds flaky to you, just like everything else I've done.

你肯定觉得很奇怪 就像我做的其他事一样

10. He was bossy and fussy and flaky and boring, and he tried to tell me what to wear and how to behave.

他专横挑剔 行为古怪还很无趣 他还一直想控制我 怎么穿 怎么做



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

