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音标: 英 [sə'lebrətɪ] 美 [səˈlɛbrɪtɪ]

n. 名声, 名人

n. a widely known person


1. celebrity stalkers are people that stalk celebrities, not celebrities who stalk people.

名人跟踪狂是指那些跟踪名人的家伙 而不是跟踪别人的名人

2. Celebrities have been stalked and celebrities have been murdered.

名人被跟踪 甚至被谋杀

3. This is gonna be the celebration to end all celebrations.


4. Plus, she's a celebrity now, and all celebrities are insane.

而且 她现在是明星 所有明星都是疯子

5. Well, he celebrated, I should say, he celebrated a lot more than I did.

我该说他在庆祝 他庆祝的时间比我多

6. It's my job to know every minor celebrity who thinks they're a major celebrity in case, you know, one day they actually become a major celebrity.

我的工作就是去了解每一个 自以为能出大名的小明星 以防某天他们真的 成了大明星

7. And when you do, we should celebrate.

等你大功告成 我们应该庆祝一下

8. We're celebrating who we are, what we have.

我们要庆祝真实的自己 我们拥有的一切

9. We're all going, and you can't say no 'cause this is a celebration, and we're not celebrating in this shithole.

我們都去 你不能拒絕因爲這是一個慶祝 我們是不會在這鬼地方慶祝生日的

10. Since we didn't celebrate birthdays on the commune, we're gonna make up for it by celebrating them all at once.

既然我们在公社的时候不庆祝生日 我们就用这一次来统统补上



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

