中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['pɒtˌbelɪ] 美 [ˈpɑtˌbɛlɪ]

n. 大肚子, 大肚子的人, 圆火炉

n. a bulbous stove in which wood or coal is burned


1. Nigerian dwarf goat or a potbellied pig, to be exact.


2. Potbellied pigs, ferrets... I'm gonna stop you right there.

大肚猪 雪貂 你先给我打住

3. I'm trying to decide between a savings bond or a potbellied pig.

我已经把选项缩减到 储蓄债券 和大肚子猪了

4. A real pig like a mulefoot, saddleback or potbelly.

一只真的猪 就像缪尔福特猪之类的

5. I need to delete some facebook photos of myself and what I thought was a potbellied pig.

我要删掉脸谱网上的那些 我以为是大肚猪的照片

6. Guess we'll have to get you into some dance classes to tighten up that little potbelly of yours.

看来得让你上几堂舞蹈课 收收你的小肚子了

7. Believe me, I know plenty of rich lawyers with political ambitions, all insufferable, potbellied, and balding.

相信我 我认识很多有 野心的 有钱的律师 他们让人难以忍受 大腹便便甚至秃顶

8. Well, then I suppose you also don't know that potbellied pigs have been wildly unfashionable since 2005.

那我看你也不知道 养大肚猪早在2005年 就已经土得不可理喻了

9. You've been saying that for three in' months and that potbellied mother er back there is about 3 days from tossing me out on my ass.

你说这话已经说了三个月了 而那个挺着啤酒肚的蠢猪提着把儿 就等三天后把我下面给折腾翻了

10. We go halfsies on a potbellied pig, and suddenly it's all mine when it's frothing at the mouth and corners your mom in the laundry room.

我們說好了那只大肚豬一起養 結果當它開始口吐白沫以及把你老媽 逼到洗衣房角落時 就是我一個人養的了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

