中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [kəˈri:nɪŋ]

v. 将船倾侧, 将船倾倒(以清洗、捻缝或修理)( careen的现在分词 ); 倾斜; 倚靠; <美>(车辆)歪歪斜斜地行驶

v walk as if unable to control one's movements
v move sideways or in an unsteady way


1. I was in the office closing up, and this car comes careening in.

我当时正在办公室准备打烊 然后车就猛冲了过来

2. And when the race careens off the tracks, you'll come begging.

当比赛偏离轨道时 你会来求我

3. The current careens 1,000 miles up the coast.


4. Apparently, the orange car careened over this guardrail where I'm standing.

据称这辆橙色轿车 冲出了我后面的护栏

5. careening along the tropical equator, it becomes an unstoppable force.

沿着热赤道倾斜 变成不可阻挡之力

6. Men died yesterday careening our ship faster than was safe.


7. So, whilst the others were careening, a number of us were inland by a spring.

所以 当其他人在修船的时候 我们当中有一部分人 聚在岛上的一眼泉边

8. I spent two weeks careening on this shit island with no name.

我花了两个星期 和新人一起修理船只

9. We are careening towards the greatest corporate power on the face of the earth.

我们正浩浩荡荡 奔向这个世上 最强大的公司

10. We can't just kick them out of the nest, because they're baby birds, and they are careening to their death.

我们不能把他们赶出鸟巢就完事了 他们都还是雏鸟 会一头栽死在地上



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

