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音标: 英 ['dʒu:nɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈdʒunəpɚ]

n. 杜松属
[医] 杜松[实]

n. coniferous shrub or small tree with berrylike cones


1. Through a juniper field into a valley of pines.

穿过了杜松田 跑进了松树谷

2. When I was 11, he had me look after that juniper for a year.

我十一岁时 他让我照顾了那株刺柏一年

3. oil of juniper, pennyroyal, alcohol, and my secret weapon.

桧柏油 薄荷油 酒精 还有我的秘密武器

4. Honey, juniper, a little warm milk, and your very best attention.

蜂蜜 杜松 一点热奶 全心全意地照顾她

5. I'm making a marinade of spruce tips, juniper berries and gin.

我正在用云杉 杜松子和杜松子酒做腌渍汁

6. Then you, uh, stabbed her in the throat once you realized she was just after your magical juniper berries.

然后你一意识到她只是想要得到你的神奇杜松子后 你就刺穿了她的喉咙

7. Brussels sprouts in a pomegranate glaze with juniper berries, thyme leaves, and farro.

加了石榴的球芽甘蓝 配上杜松子 百里香叶和粒面

8. If we can't get the interface to load, then we can't use the juniper screenos backdoor to own the network, which means I can't wipe the security footage of you planting the femtocell.

如果界面不能加载 就用不了瞻博网络防火墙系统的后门 来控制网络 那我就不能抹去你去放家庭基站的 监控录像

9. He uses a secret blend of fresh herbs and spices including salt, fresh garlic and thyme, bay leaves, juniper and mace to impart amazing flavour into the meat.

他的秘制腌料混合了新鲜香草和香料 有盐 新鲜大蒜和百里香 桂叶 杜松 以及豆蔻 将美味渗入肉里



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

