中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['dʒʌŋkɪt] 美 [ˈdʒʌŋkɪt]

vi. 用公费游山玩水, 设宴
vt. 宴请
n. 凝乳食品, 用公费游山玩水, 宴请

n. dessert made of sweetened milk coagulated with rennet
n. a trip taken by an official at public expense


1. Stop the junkets, and we'll get you the bridge.

别再去赌场 我们就给你这座桥

2. So, erm, the press junket is all but finalised.

对了 媒体宣传日程已经确认了

3. Look, he's got his arm around her at a junket.

瞧瞧 他在餐会上用胳膊搂着她

4. And yet here I am a short while later on another assassination junket.

可我现在 才没过多久 就又来跟你杀人了

5. Yeah, I had had an earlymorning press junket, so I just stayed overnight.

对 我清早有个媒体招待会 所以我就在那里过夜了

6. You're gonna go on the road, the big junket to sell that book.

你会去向各地 在签售会上卖这本书

7. We have years of mall openings, talk shows, and allexpensepaid thankyou junkets if we stick together.

如果我们一起 好几年都不用愁 去各种超级商场 脱口秀 之类的感谢派对

8. junket is set 14 outlets, five minutes each, all of them promising to focus on your charity work.

招待会安排好了 14家名品店 5分钟一家 他们都保证会专注于你的慈善事业

9. Oh, cheaper than editing my personality I guess, just copy the whole thing and stick a limiter around the tiny part that deals with press junkets and promos and shit like that.

大概是比编辑我的人格便宜吧 整个复制就完了 再在应付记者招待会 和跑宣传的区域圈一个限制器



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

