中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['litl]

n. 一点点, 少许, 一会儿, 短时间
a. 小的, 很少的, 幼小的, 琐碎的, 短暂的, 矮小的
adv. 很少, 稍微, 完全不

n. a small amount or duration
a. (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a') at least some
s. (of children and animals) young, immature
s. (of a voice) faint


1. One little, two little, three little Indians, four little, five little, six little Indians, seven little, eight little, nine little Indians.

一个 两个 三个印第安人 四个 五个 六个印第安人 七个 八个 九个印第安人

2. Well, that's a little... too little... little too late.

好吧 这是有点 太 有点晚了

3. A little wacky, a little crazy, a little unorthodox.

有点古怪 疯狂 离经叛道

4. A little booze, a little weed, a little poontang.

喝点小酒 抽点大麻 睡睡女人

5. A little cedar, a little spruce, a little bergamot.

有点雪松 云杉和佛手柑的味道

6. Because I find if you go in your pants a little and then a little and then a little, it's not that noticeable.

因为我发现如果你先尿一点在裤子里 然后再尿一点 再一点 就完全不会那么明显

7. little richer, you know, a little a little wiser, maybe.

更富有 更... 或许还更明智一些了

8. Four little, five little, six little Indians.

四个 五个 六个印第安人

9. One little, two little, three little Indians.

一个 两个 三个印第安人

10. little here, a little there. It all adds up.

东给一点 西给一点 积少成多



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

