中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈrɪpɪŋ] 美 [ˈrɪpɪŋ]

a. 撕的, 绝妙的
adv. 极, 非常

v tear or be torn violently
v move precipitously or violently
v cut (wood) along the grain
v criticize or abuse strongly and violently
s resembling a sound of violent tearing as of something ripped apart or lightning splitting a tree


1. I didn't rip it. I may have written some stuff on there, but the rips were all her.

不是我撕的 我也许在上面写了点东西 但都是她撕的

2. Or both of them, and he's not ripped.

或許他們倆都在 而且他沒那么健壯

3. Rip yourself open, and you can rip a hole in the virtual world.

撕開自己 就能把虛擬世界撕開一個口子

4. Lloyd, you have to understand, her family is being ripped apart like you and she were ripped apart.

劳埃德 你要明白 她的家庭快要分崩离析 就像你和她一样被无情地拆散

5. Once again, he completely ripped me off.

再说一遍 他完全把我给骗了

6. We're here because they're ripping it out by it's roots.


7. and once you rip it off, all we are to each other is scars.

一旦撕下去 留给彼此的就只有伤疤

8. I ripped her open, and there it was.

我把她给拆了 然后找到这些

9. That foothold's about to be ripped from under you.


10. But in here and in here, ripped in half.

但在我脑海里和心里 撕成两半了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

