中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [mɔ:rˈəʊvə(r)] 美 [mɔ:rˈoʊvər]

adv. 而且, 此外

r in addition; furthermore, their quality is improving"; moreover, mice nested there"


1. ...your spelling and, moreover, your reading habit.

你的拼写 还有你的阅读习惯

2. moreover, his confession is consistent with the physical evidence.

而且 他的供词也与物证相符

3. moreover, I find that no reasonable jury could do so, either.

并且 我认为理性的陪审团 也不会作出此判决

4. moreover, the criteria with which she chose those stories tells me why.

不只这样 她挑选故事的标准 告诉了我她的目的

5. ...and moreover I will go with thee to thy uncle's.


6. moreover, the scent contains a precursor for the human hormone oxytocin.

不止如此 这香味还包括一种 人类催产素前体

7. moreover, to any man that has taken arms against me and now regrets it, I gladly offer total amnesty.

此外 对于任何拿起武器反对我的人 只要现在感到后悔 我很乐于特赦他们

8. But moreover, it'll be the first shot in the beginning of a very reckless, extremely dangerous partisan fight that could end in catastrophe.

其次 它还开启了不计后果 极端危险的党派之争 极可能引发灾难

9. moreover, what from being so long in twilight or darkness, his eyes had acquired the faculty of distinguishing three objects in the night, words common to the hyena and the wolf.

而且 由于长久生活在昏暗的地方 他的眼睛拥有了 夜中视物的能力 如同鬣狗和狼一样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

