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音标: 英 [fɪ'dju:ʃərɪ] 美 [fɪˈduʃɪˌɛrɪ, -ʃərɪ, -ˈdju-, faɪ-]

a. 基于信用的, 信托的, 受信托的
n. 被信托者, 受托人

n. a person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary
a. relating to or of the nature of a legal trust (i.e. the holding of something in trust for another)


1. It's my fiduciary responsibility as his lawyer.

作为律师 这是我的受托责任

2. Uh, we're here to update your fiduciary software.


3. If you defy the majority, you violate your fiduciary duty.

如果你否认多数票的话 就违反了诚信义务

4. You don't make money for stockholders, which I have a fiduciary responsibility to do.

你不用为股东赚钱 但我是受托要为股东赚钱的

5. I have a fiduciary responsibility to tell you that that's a lot of money.

根据我的受托责任 我得告诉你们 那是很大一笔钱

6. Courtney's exhu and's suing her for breach of fiduciary duty.


7. Coming from the man who spent six months falsifying our records to mask his own negligence of fiduciary duty to the school.

花了六个月 伪造我们的记录来掩盖 在对学校的受信责任上的失职

8. Well, when you lied to me about adding terms of service, it could be argued you violated your fiduciary duty to the company, rendering you personally liable.

当你骗我说加了服务条款时 这可以说你违反了 你对公司的诚信义务 这就变成了你的个人责任



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

