中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈdɒləp] 美 [ˈdɑ:ləp]

n. 块, 团

n. a small measure (usually of food)


1. Maybe just a dash of a shot for me a dollop.

也许对我来说只是一个小机会 一点点

2. I recommend it black with just a dollop of gelato.

我推荐你喝这一种 它加了一些冰淇淋在咖啡上

3. So, how about I ping you the address and when you're ready for a dollop of sriracha, we'll be here.

这样吧 我把地址发你 等你想来点是拉差辣椒酱了 就知道去哪找我们

4. You mix that to a lovely, ooth paste which you then dollop all over your base.

将它们搅拌成为光滑的膏状 然后涂在挞底上

5. But the nutmeg, the ginger, and the dollop of fresh whipped cream.

可肉豆蔻 姜 还有那一小团鲜奶油

6. I wonder if I make a dollop of difference to anyone sitting in my classroom.

我在想自己能否 对坐在教室里的学生产生哪怕一丁点影响

7. The inside of the windscreen's filthy because of... dollops of sea water hitting it.

风挡玻璃内侧开始变得模糊了 因为...海水不断的打到上面

8. Based on my experiences with a, with a generous dollop of artistic license thrown in.

主要是根据我的经历 还有很多艺术加工

9. Serving these beauties up with a slice of lemon and a dollop of tartar jizz.

挤上一团塔塔酱 再加一片柠檬就可以上桌了

10. A hearty bison stew with rosemary dumplings and a dollop of creme fraiche.

豐盛的燉野牛肉 配上迷迭香水餃 再加上一點鮮奶油



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

