中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['sændɪd] 美 ['sændɪd]

a. 铺沙的, 满地是沙的, 沙地的

v rub with sandpaper


1. Not sand, but sand colour, which will act as the island.

不是真沙 只是取沙子的颜色 这个就是岛屿

2. So you get this layer cake of sand, mud and sand.


3. Brilliant sand, brilliant sea, brilliant sand, tits and arse ideal.

迷人的沙滩海景 还有大胸和美臀 太爽了

4. You're gonna put the obelisk up here and tip it over onto the sand, and then scoop the sand out these tunnels.

你要把方尖碑挪在这里 把它倾斜到在沙子上 然后从坑洞中舀出沙子

5. If both of these bodies were sucked up by the same sand dredger, it's possible her body is still there, buried under a pile of sand.

如果两具尸体都被同一艘挖泥船 吸掉了 那么她的尸体可能还在那里 埋在一堆沙子底下

6. He brought a tent, everything, to keep you from eating the sand, but then you'd just crawl out and put your face right in the sand.

他买了一顶帐篷和可能需要的任何东西 去阻止你吃沙子 但是你就是 在地上爬 然后把脸埋进沙里

7. I have this memory of her in the sand.

我还依稀记得一个片段 她在沙滩上

8. And when I found you, you were on the sands.

当我找到你的时候 你在沙滩上

9. There's nothing out here but the sand.

这里什么都没有 只有沙子

10. They lie in the sand and they don't have to do anything.

躺在沙子里 什么都不用做



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

