中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈfi:bi] 美 [ˈfibi]

n. 福柏(月神), 月亮

n. (Greek mythology) a Titaness who became identified with Artemis as goddess of the Moon
n. small dun-colored North American flycatcher


1. Phoebe, I mean, you know I adore you.

菲比 你知道我很喜欢你

2. Phoebe, listen I know. I promised.

菲比 听我说 我知道 我答应过

3. Phoebe, I think you may have misunderstood.

菲比 我觉得你有点误会了

4. Phoebe would get hurt when she was with him, a lot.

只要菲比和他在一起就会受伤 很频繁

5. Phoebs, I did say no phones at the tables.

菲比 我说过饭桌上不准玩手机

6. Phoebe, for that one, you go one more minute.

菲比 为这件事 罚你多站一分钟

7. Phoebe was kissing the male, the married male.

菲比在和男方亲热 那个已婚的男人

8. Phoebe has severe asthma and she needs this medication.

菲比患有严重哮喘 她需要这种药

9. Phoebe may be the spark, but it will not end there.

土卫九或许是导火线 但不会止于此

10. Phoebe's active during the day, and mainly after lunch, in that period here.

菲比在白天很活跃 主要是午餐过后 对应这个部分



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

