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音标: 英 ['ʃʊgəˌkeɪn] 美 [ˈʃʊɡɚˌken]

n. 甘蔗, 糖蔗

n. juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice
n. tall tropical southeast Asian grass having stout fibrous jointed stalks; sap is a chief source of sugar


1. And there is no sugarcane without the army.

而离了军队 也就没有甘蔗了

2. There is no rum without the sugarcane.


3. Except he wasn't here to harvest sugarcane; he was here to stage a terrorist attack.

只不过他的目的不在收获甘蔗 他来这是为了策划恐怖袭击

4. I put on a couple pounds when I went from cocaine to sugarcane.

自从我放弃可卡因转而吃甘蔗后 我都胖了好几斤了

5. Um, says here that, uh, whole family worked on aon a sugarcane plantation.

这里说 她家人都在一个甘蔗种植场工作

6. I'm leaving this place and I never want to see sugarcane or another Indian ever again.

我要离开这个鬼地方 再也不想见到甘蔗 或者是别的印度人了

7. Large companies are buying up bits of land so that they can grow sugarcane or eucaplypus, so that they can feed those to vats of what will ultimately be synthetic microbes to make fuels.

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