中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['raɪf(ə)l]

n. 步枪;来复枪
vt. 用步枪射击;抢夺;偷走

a. of a firearm; having rifling or internal spiral grooves inside the barrel


1. And if it is rifles they want, then rifles is what they'll get.

他們想繳收步槍是吧 那咱就給唄

2. Dissolved the rifling on the barrel of a sniper rifle.


3. A rifle's got a rifle bore, which causes the bullet to come out spinning like a football.

步枪有枪膛 子弹会像足球一样旋转着出来

4. Even though I said those things to him in regard to carrying a rifle, then he would never be by my damn side at all unless he had a rifle.

尽管为了让他拿起枪 我对他说了那些话 如果他不拿枪 我永远不会与他并肩作战

5. As a sniper, they train you to make the rifle an extension of yourself, the scope an extension of your eye, the trigger an extension of your fist, so when they take away your rifle, it's like you've been amputated.

作为狙击手 他们训练你把枪 变成你身体的延伸 瞄准镜变成你眼睛的延伸 扳机是你拳头的延伸 所以当他们把你的枪拿走时 那滋味就像身体被切掉了什么

6. Sources say that thieves got away with over a million dollars in militarygrade weaponry, including sniper rifles, assault rifles and even a grenade launcher.

有消息称窃贼们偷走了价值百万的 军用武器装备 包括狙击步枪 冲锋枪 甚至还有一个手榴弹发射器

7. What was that? I think that was a rifle.

什么声音 我觉得是步枪

8. If I needed a rifle, I could do something with it.

如果需要 我会毫不犹豫地拿起步枪

9. A casing and a rifle up on the roof.


10. I couldn't reach my rifle so I had to stick him.

我够不到我的步枪 只能刺他



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

