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音标: 英 [ˈwɜ:mˌhəʊl] 美 [ˈwɚmˌhol]

n. 蛀孔, 蛀洞

n. hole made by a burrowing worm


1. wormholes are a way to make time travel possible, but, theoretically, they only work if you can hold the mouth of the wormhole open long enough to get through.

虫洞是实现时间旅行的一种方法 但理论上来说 想实现时间旅行 你必须得让虫洞的口子开得足够久 才能够穿过

2. And if you have a wormhole, then something strange, atypical, might come out from it, and as a result of that, we should expect something unusual also in properties of these objects of this dust, of the immediate surrounding wormholes.

而如果那是虫洞 就可能出现 一些很奇怪的 不寻常的东西 这样的话 那我们应该可以观测到 虫洞附近的 特殊物质以及 特殊尘埃的性质

3. Once the wormhole opens, the protons and the energy generated will break down our molecular structure, so we can pass through the wormhole, so we can get to our time destination with our molecular structure fully reconstructed.

虫洞一打开 质子及其产生的能量 就会打破人体分子结构 我们就可以穿过虫洞 到达时间目的地 我们的分子结构会在终点重组

4. Either this brings the wormholes or it's over.

要么引出「虫洞」 要么就都完了

5. If the wormhole gets here before the rocks.


6. We fly into the wormhole and we are extinct.

我们飞进虫洞 然后就消失了

7. all of that rips the wormhole into existence.

这一切一起 凭空扯出了一个虫洞

8. Not unless it's a wormhole through time.


9. They drop them down a wormhole that they created.


10. No, no. It's a wormhole. It's gonna make you nervous.

不 这就是个虫洞 会让你紧张的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

